Tailor Made trips

Salka Peru is a travel agency specialized in customized holidays . We are from Peru and are proud of our country and would like to share with our travelers the best our country has to offer. Our years of experience in the industry and connections ensure that our clients can enjoy the most exclusive experiences and have access to the top local guides and experts.

How it works:

- During a FREE appointment with our Peru specialist, we will identify your travel needs. This meeting can also be arranged by email or phone.
- Then we will put together a personal itinerary, in which we combine your travel wishes with our knowledge and travel tips. In this way we can create your ideal Peru experience.
 - Made a choice? Then we translate your travel design into a concrete plan, with all the details you need. The experience is always central, even when it comes to your accommodations. We can now move on to the final booking of an unforgettable trip through Salka Peru! One thing is certain: no one has made the same trip, and no one comes home with the same stories.
 - During your trip we will make sure that everything is perfectly arranged, like you do for a good friend. So you don't have to worry about anything. Upon your return, we will always call you to talk about your experiences.

Hier ervaar je het echte leven in Lima met een bezoek aan 'beide kanten' van de stad. In de voormiddag ontdekken we de indrukwekkende sloppenwijk waar je de lokale bevolking en kinderen ontmoet en met hen in interactie kan gaan. Daarna is er een lunch voorzien in een typisch lokaal restaurant. Na de lunch neemt je lokale gids je mee naar het grote historische centrum om te genieten van een ​​wandeltocht  en bezoek aan de vele bekende hoogtepunten: paleizen, kastelen, prachtige houten balkons en mysterieuze ondergrondse catacomben.